Burglary Prevention Tips

Home security does not necessarily stop at buying and installing state-of-the-art electronics. Installing such devices, of course, is good but they are the last line of defense before it is too late when things get critical. That is why we've compiled three detailed points about what you can do just beyond your home's walls to keep criminals off your property. 

1. Security Dogs

Having a large security dog is an incredibly effective method of deterring criminals away from the vicinity. They will think twice before setting foot on your property given the risk. Large security dogs pack enough power and loyalty to their masters that they won't go down without a fight, and what a fight they will put up. Before a would-be burglar is even in front of your house, the dog's amplified sense of hearing and smell will trigger them to bark at any strange presence within the area and alarm the whole neighborhood and place fear in the most malicious of home invaders. Apart from security purposes, having a loyal pet like a dog provides that much-needed feeling of safety and emotional support essential for any home.

As is the case with any other home security measure, giving the impression that such a measure exists on the property acts as a deterrent on its own. What is it that you could do to emulate the presence of a guard dog? Placing a large bowl in your front yard or porch will definitely do the trick. A decoy "beware" sign will convince a burglar even further. More decoys can be scattered around your property such as a large bag of dog food, a dog house, a thick used up leash, and a detached muzzle.

Adding more dog decoys on top of these may start to look contrived to a burglar, so try to be realistic. Make the placement of these items look spontaneous, and don't be negligent of adding the same kind of decoys in your backyard.

2. Home Security Systems

It is common knowledge amongst home security specialists that a home with a security system is near three times less likely to be burglarized. The heftier a system is with motion detectors, door and window sensors, glass-break sensors, and cameras, the more reluctant a would-be burglar will be to target your home.

If you have a mobile alert subscription with your provider, you will be notified of an incident as soon as it happens should an intruder pass in front of a motion detector, motion activated lights, and or a motion activated camera. However, let's keep our focus towards deterring crime and not catching criminals in the act as deterrence is the first line of defense for any home.

Motion Activated Devices: Motion activated security electronics are one of the strongest burglar deterrents due to them being seemingly interactive. The suddenness with which a motion activated light turns on right at the moment they walk under it will have an effect. Of course, experienced burglars wouldn't be as good as they are without their appreciation towards that adrenaline rush, but motion sensor flood lights can tip the scales and make them leave the premises last-minute. 

Home Automation: As was the case with guard dog decoys, home automation can be used to have the same effect in terms of home lighting. Statistics show that well-lit neighborhoods are less likely to be burglarized than poorly lit ones, this is because interior lights mean that the home is currently busy and occupied. Lights also mean that there are fewer dark corners for trespassers to hide in. You can remotely monitor and control this feature when you're at work or out of town by setting behavioral patterns to your lighting system using your provider's app from any web-enabled device.

Security cameras are in most cases the last line of defense before a criminal goes through an entry point of your home, this is because they are tougher to notice than a yard sign, especially if we're talking about doorbell cameras. You can draw attention to them by placing a "Video Surveillance" sign or sticker in your front yard. 

Burglars are always covered from head to toe when they're going after an easy score, but apart from blocking the possibility of a facial description, a height estimate and body build description can make a difference in court if the criminal happens to be one of the suspects.

If you have too little storage to be recording, the burglar doesn't know that and will assume that they are being watched and archived. This will force them to act quicker, it may not save your possessions but it will make them avoid having to enter and exit your home through a physical altercation. Knowing that they are being monitored, a burglar needs to get in and get out as quickly as possible before the authorities get there.

Yard Signs & Decals: Having a yard sign with a reputable security company's logo on the front will make a would-be burglar keep driving down the block in search of easier prey. Window decals will let the trespasser think that a glass-break sensor is waiting for them on the inside and will trigger an alarm if they decide to go through that entry point. They always come free with any home security package with a 24/7 monitoring service from the top companies, but if you can't afford the added monthly expense (at least $19.99) of professional monitoring, you can always buy their yard signs and decals separately from eBay or their own websites.

3. Your Car

It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. Using your car to send a message to would-be burglars driving past your house will paint the picture in their minds that you mean business.

You can even take home burglary and auto burglary prevention measures in one fell swoop with bumper stickers that go something like this:

"This vehicle is equipped with a GPS tracking device," or...

"The owner of this vehicle is armed." 

When combined with your home security warning signs, no burglar in their right mind would dare trespass on your property. Of course, you would have to park your car outside your garage for it to have an effect.

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